APCIe-040 – DAQ PCIe Card – Watchdog
The PCI-Express watchdog card APCIe-040 has 7 watchdogs/timers, 8 relays with change-over contacts and 7 digital inputs, 24 V. By using the board for telecom, ISP, Voice Mail, File Server or industrial systems under Windows operating systems, the reliability can be maximised. The card is equipped with 7 watchdogs for simultaneous software and hardware monitoring. External devices can thus be monitored (e. g. alarm systems, PLCs) and controlled (e. g. modems, dialing devices).
Maximise the reliability of your telecom, ISP, Voice Mail, File Server or industrial systems under Windows operating systems with the APCIe-040 PCI Express watchdog board. The board is equipped with 7 watchdogs for simultaneous software and hardware monitoring. External devices can thus be monitored (e. g. alarm systems, PLCs) and controlled (e. g. modems, dialing devices). In addition, the PCI Express watchdog board APCIe-040 has a two-level alarm system and can initiate a hardware reset in case of emergency. The principle is based on the computer software having to send signals to the board at regular intervals. If the board does not receive an expected signal within a certain period of time, the first alarm level is activated. The emergency program is started which determines the cause and tries to remove the error. If this fails, the operating system and, if necessary, external devices are prepared for the hardware reset. The second alarm level is automatically triggered after a defined timeout. The internal PC temperature can be monitored through the onboard temperature sensor.
Watchdog / Timer
- 7 watchdogs/timers
- 7 trigger channels/Gate inputs (24 V)
- Activation through software
- Configuration through software, readable
- Can be triggered through software or digital input
- Time base for the watchdog/timer: µs, ms, s, min
- Several alarm levels are possible for each watchdog
- Level 1 generates an interrupt or switches the warning relay, level 2 switches the reset relay (only watchdog 0 has 2 relays)
- With the two-level alarm, the operating system can be warned through an interrupt that a hardware reset is going to take place. There is then enough time to close the active tasks or to reset the warning relay.
- The alarm time can be read back at any time, so that the time remaining for further tasks can be established.
- Switching time of the reset relay: 2 s
Defined state after booting
- The watchdogs are switched off through the system reset
- The status of the 7 watchdogs is readable
- 7 digital inputs (watchdog trigger or timer gate)
- Optical isolation 1000 V
Temperature measurement
- 1 temperature onboard sensor
- Alarm function when a programmable limit value is exceeded
Digital inputs
- 7 inputs, optically isolated
- Input voltage 24 V
Software drivers
A CD-ROM with the following software and programming samples is supplied with the board.
Standard drivers for:
- Linux
- 32-bit drivers for Windows 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / 2000
- Signed 64-bit drivers for Windows 8 / 7 / XP
- Real-time use with Linux and Windows on request
Drivers and samples for the following compilers and software packages:
- C#.NET, C
On request:
Further operating systems, compilers and samples. Driver download: www.addi-data.com/downloads
64-bit drivers for Windows and drivers for Linux as well as programming samples are included.
Real-time drivers for Linux and Windows are available on request.
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