APCIe-7800 – DAQ PCIe Card – Serial communication
The PCI-Express interface APCIe-7800 is configured by inserting SI modules which the board identifies automatically. The serial interfaces can be configured through modules in the following modes: RS232, RS422, RS485 (with optical isolation) and 20 mA current loop. The board is especially suited for data acquisition and industrial process control, for direct connection of sensors, for multi-user systems, as PLC interface, for multidrop applications, for modem and printer control, etc.
The APCIe-7800 communication board is configured by inserting SI modules which the board identifies automatically. The serial interfaces can be configured through modules in the following modes: RS232, RS422, RS485 and current loop (with optical isolation). The SI modules with optical isolation allow a protection
of up to 1000 V for the use in noisy environments where ground loops can occur. The I/O lines are protected against short-circuits, fast transients, electrostatic discharge and high-frequency EMI. The interface is supported through a 128-byte FIFO buffer for sending and receiving data and guarantees reliable operation at high transfer rates.
- Asynchronous communication adapter
- Modular mounting through SI modules: 8 sockets for 8-port serial interface
- Can be configured as RS232, RS422, RS485, 20 mA
Current Loop (active, passive), with optical isolation through separate SI modules - Automatic addressing through BIOS
- Automatic module identification
- UART 16C950, downward compatible to 16C450
- 128-byte FIFO buffer for sending and receiving data
- Programmable transfer rate
- 5-, 6-, 7- or 8-bit character
- 1, 1½ or 2 stop bits
- Parity: even, odd or none
- Automatic transmitter control for RS485 and transmitter control through FIFO level
- Common interrupt
Safety features
- SI modules with optical isolation 1000 V
- Creeping distance IEC 61010-1 (VDE411-1)
- Protection against fast transients (Burst)
- Short-circuit protection for RS422 and RS485
- Internal diagnostic possibility, break, parity, overrun and framing error
- Industrial serial communication
- Data acquisition
- Multi-user systems
- PLC interface
- Multidrop applications
- Modem and printer control, etc
Software drivers
Standard drivers and samples for:
- Linux
- Windows (32/64)
- Real-time with Linux (i.e Xenomai) and Windows (i.e RTX) on request
On request:
Further operating systems, compilers and samples. Driver download: www.addi-data.com/downloads
64-bit drivers for Windows and drivers for Linux as well as programming samples are included.
Real-time drivers for Linux and Windows are available on request.
English version German version
English version German version