PA-1508 – DAQ Card – Analog Inputs/Outputs
The PA-1508 16 digital input/output ISA card has 8 digital inputs, 24 V, and 8 digital outputs, 24 V. All the inputs are opto-isolated. It is used for industrial I/O control, for automatic test benches, as an interface to electromagnetic relays, for status monitoring (on/off) of motors, lamps, etc. or alarm activation in a harsh industrial environment and has a number of safety devices to do this.
8 digital inputs, 24 V, isolated
- 2 connection lines per input
- Parallel acquisition of digital 24 V signals
- Each input channel has its own ground line
8 digital outputs, 24 V, isolated
- Each output channel can be triggered independently from the others
- The output channels are current-limited and suitable for loads with high inductive currents
- 2 diagnostic outputs generate LOW level at overtemperature
- Watchdog: can be activated through software, readable
- After power-on the outputs are reset to “0”
- Addressing through DIP switches
Safety features
- Optical isolation 1000 V
- Voltage supervision
- Creeping distance IEC 61010-1 (VDE411-1)
- Safety for the inputs: voltage reversal protection, LC filters
- Safety for the outputs: Overtemperature protection: Shut-down logic at approx. 125-140 °C, short-circuit current at 1.5 A, Shut-down logic, when the external supply voltage drops below 5 V.
- Safety features for the ext. supply voltage: overload protection: self-resetting fuse (electronic fuse), overvoltage protection through varistors and transorb diodes, screened through LC filters
EMC tested according to 89/336/EEC (CE certification)
- IEC 61326: electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use
- Industrial I/O control
- Automatic test equipment
- Interface to electromechanical relays
- Monitoring of 24 V signals
- Activation of alarm
- Signal switching
- ON/OFF monitoring of motors, lights…
- Machine interface
Software drivers
On request
To download drivers : contact us
English version French version German version
To download manuals : contact us