PA-302 – DAQ Card – Analog Inputs
The PA-302 analog input ISA card has 16/8 SE/differential, 12-bit inputs. It has been specifically designed for industrial process control and industrial measurement applications, such as automatic test devices, chemical process control or current measurement in harsh industrial environments, and features a number of devices for security.
Analog inputs
- 8 single-ended/4 differential channels or 16 single-ended/8 differential channels
- 12-bit resolution
- Data transfer rate for one channel: 125 kHz
- Input ranges: 0-10 V, ±10 V, 0-5 V, ±5 V selectable through jumper, 0(4)-20 mA optional (options DC and SC)
- Gain INA (instrumentation amplifier), adjustable through jumper or resistance
- Addressing through DIP switches
- 3 x 16-bit timer (82C54): Timer 0: only for the analog acquisition; Timer 1 and Timer 2 : as cyclic time-counters
Analog acquisition
- One single channel, several channels, several channels through scan list
- Automatic analog acquisition through cyclic timer control
- Acquisition through scan list: up to 16 entries with gain, channel, unipolar/bipolar
- Acquisition triggered through software, timer, external event
- Trigger functions: Software trigger or external trigger: the analog acquisition (single or sequence) is started through external TTL signal switching from 0 to 5 V at TTL input
- Interrupt: end of single channel, end of multichannel, end of scan list
- 2 digital open collector outputs
Safety features
- Protection against overvoltage and high-frequency EMI
- Noise neutralization of the PC voltage supply
- EMC tested acc. to 89/336/EEC: IEC 61326: electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use
- Process control
- Industrial measurement
- Acquisition of sensor data
- Signal analysis
- …
Software drivers
On request
To download drivers : contact us
English version French version German version
To download manuals : contact us